Rancho San Antonio Pasture Area

The park closest to home is also our favorite. Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve is part of the regional Open Space district and connects to another preserve I mentioned here before: The Monte Bello Open Space Preserve.


While we usually hike the Wildcat loop trail, today, we decided to explore a bit and see how far we could get towards the summit of Black Mountain, where Monte Bello starts. So we got on the Chamise trail and hiked for a while. We ended up in a a beautiful pasture area like we love them before turning around so we would get down to the parking lot before sunset.


We are planning on exploring this preserve a lot more so you will hear more about it soon.

Gorgeous Views from the top of Mt Tamalpais

Alicia read that the Mt Tamalpais watershed waterfalls were in full swing after the heavy rain we have been getting (wet runs anyone?) so we decide to go and check it out since we have not been to Marin since last year.


The waterfall were roaring for sure and it was nice to see. Still, the whole place was packed, a lot of people having read the same article, and the trail was looking more like a highway during rush hour than a quaint trail in the wood. Not exactly my favorite kind of hiking.


On the way there, we had drove past some beautiful rolling hills close to the top of the mount with gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean so we drove back there. Nobody around, lush green grass and the fresh air of the ocean. We ended up exploring a bit and taking some cool pictures.


We will be back soon for more.

Castle Rock

Continuing on our series of local parks, today we hiked in Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountains, a bit less than 1 hour away from home.

Snake fleeing

The weather was awesome and the sun scorching. So much so that at one point, we disturbed a rattlesnake that was taking the sun in the middle of the trail. Happily, both parties agreed that retreat was the best course of action and after waiting a while, we were able to resume our hike.


Big Basin

Tall trees

Big Basin is a great little park in the Santa Cruz Mountain close to home. Alicia and I went for a hike there on Saturday. Great company, deep conversation, nice weather, pretty waterfalls, tall trees and a gorgeous view of the Ocean once you have reached the top.

View of the Ocean from the top

We did a 6 hour hike and ended up walking in the dark for the last mile or so. When we reached the parking lot, my car was the last one left ;).
